2024 Leadership Team & Committee Assignments:

  • Dave Stong - Leadership Team Chair - Oversees all of Church Disciplines - Specializing in Building Maintenance/Use, Pastor Relations Committee Chair

  • Dan Hottenstein - Vice Chair - Building Maintenance/Use, Staff, Stewardship, Finance, & Fundraising

  • Jan Stong - Secretary - Meeting Minutes, Community Outreach & Hospitality

  • Jonathan Bell -Treasurer - Finance, Technology

  • Tom Bell - Technology, Pastoral Relations, Finance

  • Tim Conrad - Finance, Building Maintenance/Use

  • Beverly Patton - Community Outreach & Hospitality



Rev. Christina M. Fidanza

The Rev. Christina M. Fidanza holds a B.A. in Biological Sciences granted by Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey (1996) and an M. Div. from Lancaster Theological Seminary (2015). 

Pastor Christina was ordained into Christian Ministry in 2016 by the Gettysburg Association.  Her first call was as a licensed associate pastor to the Cashtown-McKnightstown Charge of the United Church of Christ.  After the retirement of their lead pastor, she went on to serve a two-year designated pastor at the Charge.  Her second call was to Emmanuel UCC in Freysville, where she served for two years.  During the pandemic, she provided the Freysville congregation with a worship opportunity each week, using various formats including Zoom, Facebook Live, YouTube, worship at the church park, and adapted services in the church sanctuary. She assumed her role as Redeemer’s settled pastor on June 21, 2021.

Pastor Christina is a self-taught artist, usually working with mixed media/found objects.  During the stay-at-home order, she ventured into the medium of acrylic pouring. On learning about the environmental impact of this technique, she decided to transition back to her first love – printmaking.  She sees her eclectic artwork, and the process that it entails, as a reflection of the intersections of our lives, revealing hidden beauty.  She enjoys utilizing her artistic skills in parish ministry and serving the Redeemer Family. She can be reached at pastorchristina@redeemerchurchucc.org. 


Dr. Michael Wojdylak, Choir/Music Director

Dr. Michael Wojdylak leads a busy life as the choir/music director for Redeemer and enjoys composing and performing music. He is also the music director for Voices of Palmyra, a forty-voice community choir that offers several concerts annually. He recently retired as a dentist in his own private practice and as a Lebanon Valley College Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music.

Dr. Wojdylak earned his B.S. degree at the Pennsylvania State University, 1977; M.A.G.R., 1983; D.D.S.,University of Maryland, 1987; B.A., Lebanon Valley College, 1997; and M.M., Marywood University, 2003.

Michael has created compositions for performances at Church of the Redeemer as well as various churches across the country. He is an accomplished pianist, organist, director, composer and vocalist.

In his spare time, Dr. Wojdylak enjoys the outdoors, especially gardening and taking care of his menagerie of pets. He is always looking for musicians to write for and people for his choirs.

Kira Merkert, Office Administrator & Assistant Music Minister

Kira joined the staff as our Office Administrator in October 2021. She is also a passionate member of the church, especially interested in Music & Worship. She enjoys singing in the choir and composing music. She holds a Master’s Degree in Information Systems, as well as Bachelor’s Degrees in Finance/Computer Science and Music (Voice and Composition). In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with her family and wrangling her two very energetic poodles.